

Disable JavaScript

This web extension lets an user decide if JavaScript should be enabled or disabled for a given host or a given tab.


When accessing e.g. and disabling JavaScript, the web extension will block all JavaScript which otherwise would be loaded by (including inline JS and external JS files from other hosts).

Please note that scripts from the blacklisted host will still be loaded if they're being loaded in another host (unless you block that host as well of course).

Supported browsers

Why to use this web extension
The code is completely open source, you can also use the unpacked version of this web extension if you prefer.
No data of you will ever be logged and the web extension asks only for the permissions it really needs.
Pull requests are welcome!

Future plans
You can see existing and add new feature proposals on the projects GitHub page.

Other web extensions

If you need any assistance or find any bugs, feel free to contact me directly via email or create a new issue on the projects GitHub page.

Desktop: JavaScript ON Desktop: JavaScript OFF Mobile: Enable JavaScript Mobile: Disable JavaScript The settings page of Disable JavaScript.