

2241 apps in privacy-security

No Password - Password Manager

Now, you can store and manage all your passwords without the hassle of a master password, biometrics or a second device. Save them in the Newauth Vault and bring them into your browser only when they are needed.

No Nonsense

Removes all the ads in a Google search, getting you only what you need. Created by random-human, ported to Firefox by lightsaber1515. (got permission to do it)

New Tab Page Identities (Lite)

This add-on allows you change your Account Container from the new tab page.


Say "nay!" to URLs in your blacklist. Disable links to matching URLs, and remember why you did so.

MWC Wallet

A MimbleWimble Coin wallet.

Memorable Passwords

This tool provides a cool password. Transform a frequently word to password. It's useful to remember. For example: 'determination' turn to 'determ1n@tIon'.

Linkedin News Hider

Hide the Linkedin News section

Lightweight Container Proxy

Lightweight proxy per container. Short code, easily auditable!

Librefox HTTP Watcher - Tor MoD

Extension that makes the whole url bar red when browsing an http site.

Libre Redirect

A web extension that redirects popular sites to alternative privacy-friendly frontends and backends without censor

Keep Quiet Utility

Keep Quiet provides a safe and less stressful internet experience for individuals who are sensitive to unexpected high volume sounds.


Editing function for converting input field text into its JP-Hash.

ITL Web Safe

ITL Web Safe is a new-generation browser extension for all your major web browsers. ITL Web Safe blocks all dangerous websites and malware infections while surfing on the internet. It ensures safe & smooth web browsing always with a single add-on.

ipfs stat viewer

view the data stored on a local ipfs node

HTTPS Enforcer

Secure browsing


HMAC-based password derivation tool, you can derivate a secure password from a master password and the domain of current website.

Google Container Shortcut

This add-on creates a button shortcut that opens a new tab in a Google container. Right click text selection search in new containers is also supported.

Open new container tabs with Option + T on Mac and Alt + T on Windows.

Go Back!

Tired of annoying websites preventing you from leaving?


Calculate and validate checksums


Read quora without signing in. When quora asks you to signin, just click the addon icon.

Fingerprint Spoof

An extension to spoof fingerprint

Ephemeral or Confined Container, EoCC

Browse webpages in either site-specific confined containers or ephemeral containers.

Don't be evil

Remove click tracking from Google Search results

Delete Everything

Allows the user to remove history, passwords, downloads, serviceWorkers


Removes login popups and curtains that freeze up the user experience.

Crouching Tracker, Hidden Email

Changes the cursor when a hyperlink (or button) links to a URL which contains an email address in it.


A firefox extension that censors foul words on a webpage Skipper

Automatically skips URLs generated by


Choose which network(s) the browser can load from.

Block Unicode domains

To protect users from URL spoofing, issue a warning if the domain string is Unicode.