

2609 apps in web-development

Edit Anything

Edit Anything from Chrome is now on Firefox. Before It was on Chrome.
Click icon to turn on. sets contentEditable to true. Click to set false.
If on then click text/any other element and make the changes.
Changes don't persist after reload.


Diff the network traffic in real-time to observe the URLs variant over time.

Color Picker For Firefox

HEX Color Picker, RGB Color Picker, Color Picker EyeDropper, Pick color from web page (Color Picker For Firefox)

AWS SSO Extender

⭐ Quickly access your Favorite AWS SSO apps
🎨 Customize your profiles, roles & AWS console
🔑 Assume IAM roles from your SSO profiles
🦊 Open the AWS console in Firefox Containers

Website scripting

Developers can add javascript codes in webpage. Like customizing other websites with our own codes.


An extension to open Putty from your Firefox browser.

GitHub Original Streak

An add-on that gets back current and longest streak on Github profiles

close tab right click

Close tab from right click context menu.

Base64 Encoder/Decoder

This is a browser extension that encodes and decodes media to and from Base64.
EDIT: Can only convert FROM Base64 due to Firefox limitations I am currently working to circumvent.

More information:

Open in Pale Moon

Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Pale Moon browser.

Monitor Web Pages

Monitor your web pages integrity and availability by tracking content-length and modified-date

HTML Tags Detector

Detect a web page elements by clicking the element name in sidebar. It's a good tool to check the overlapped elements on the page.

Hololive Chat Capturer

Capture the translation on Hololive's Livestream chat.

Thank you, Translators. 💖

HackBar (cracked & fixed)

A HackBar for google chrome/firefox browser. Small tool for pentesting websercurity.

Get Thumbnail to video YouTube

Make thumbnail previews or images for video from YouTube.
Only one mouse click and you get a list of links to thumbnails with the available resolutions to this video!

Email this page

This extension adds an email button to the toolbar which allows you to email the page link using your default mail client or Gmail.

AWS Agent

Allows your browser to access AWS resources that require Amazon's Sigv4 scheme.


Displays the security.txt and humans.txt files for a website if available.

RxJs watcher

Devtools panel to visualize rxjs observables

IP2Location IP Geolocation Plugin

Geolocation lookup for a website based on IP address, uses database provided by

Download Serialized DOM

Download serialized DOM with a click, which should include changes within the page effected since loading e.g. by JavaScript.

Cookie Sweep

Clear all cookies except for defined domains

Simple Analytics

Block your own requests so they don't count towards your stats in Simple Analytics

OpenConnect for Pulse Secure

Makes connecting to the VPN with OpenConnect easier

MathML View Source

A 'View MathML Source' context menu item

Image Alt QuickView

Quickly view the alternative text of any image in the context menu. Simply right-click on an image.

Global Dark Style

A configure dark theme with exception list to change everything to real dark


Logs URLs of HTTP request to a dedicated tab

Extension Inspector

Inspect Firefox and Chrome extensions with

CSRF spotter

Find potential CSRF vulnerabilities