Saves'n'restores last selected language for PHP Manual website (php.net).

Photo Tools from 🃏 Joker.Photos for Firefox

Allows you to add colorized outlines to divs on pages, making a "wireframe" of divs.

Export a page's HTML options lists to a file.

Open GitHub or Gitlab files links in your IDE

opens github PR diff lines and files locally in your editor.
Supports vscode, vscode-insiders and textmate. more to come!

Easier debugging of your codepens. Adds a button to switch to Debug view in Codepen. Opens a new tab.

Go from a GitHub page to the CircleCI workflows page for the repository

Omnibookmarks is the fastest way to save and open bookmarks. Just type a keyword into the address bar to quickly open or add a bookmark.

Ensure Reddit always loads the old Mobile design. I don't own this source code. Credits to Tomjwatson.

Copies the title and the URL from a tab.

Easily upload files to GitHub & get back URLs to copy

Obfuscate a page with the Flow Circular font to take a screenshot of a page when the content does not matter or should not be shared.

Notes Box take and save short notes and reminders.

This extension replaces all the cornoavirus words with blocks on a webpage . I made this extension because i got bothered by seeing coronavirus every where so i build this extension . I hope that you may like it

Show Site favio icon URL,Page Size and DNS Details

GitHub news feed notifications directly in the browser
Project reference: https://github.com/julmot/news-feed-for-github

turn a URL into a QR code and transfer it easy to your smartphone

Extension for automatically changing to a selected JavaDocs version

MyDataPortability tool is a user-driven data portability tool. Its main goal is to provide data that is relevant or subject to data portability in a machine-readable format to the data subject.

A browser extension that searches names on Goodreads with the context menu.

A browser extension to extract book IDs from all open Goodreads tabs and copies it to your clipboard.

mProxy.vn Switcher, Help you to set up a proxy easier. Please register an account from our site mproxy.vn and this extension will help you to set up proxy

mPageControl is a Firefox Plugin which provides the possibility to add scripts on the fly to modify the body of websites.

Shows Random Quotes

Tiny extension that provides a one click access to MODX Resources from a website to its manager.

MDN - Modestly Denying the New. Bring back the nice MDN design and have peace in mind.

Extensão para trocar os teste ab da mobly

View websites through the lens of different mobile devices with this utility, allowing users to test and assess website layouts and responsiveness.

Test your website look for different mobile devices with Mobile View Tester and checker and see how it appears.