Brightery Website Builder, Build your website by yourself for free, no experience required

BotForce365 UI Inspector is a browser extension which generates relative XPath locator to automate any web applications running in a browser.

It looks like the task manager in chrome

Opens a new tab with a random blurred image, offering a visually intriguing and abstract browsing experience.

Block HTTP Access
This add-on is no longer in development.
Please use Firefox's HTTPS-Only mode.


Automatically checks the checkbox to delete the current branch after the pull request is merged on Bitbucket Cloud.
This is a port of the Google Chrome extension "Bitbucket Pull Request auto delete branch"!

It overwrites your repository default reviewers on bitbucket.org (cloud platform) with your own selection of reviewers.

Plugin will close difference in files what you don't need.

Make zillow more usable with a BIG MAP!

An open-source browser extension to make websites look more readable and user-friendly using CSS.

Finds commands on a page and makes the prefix non-selectable so you don't accidentally copy it and adds a copy to clipboard button.

Redirect MXR URLs to their DXR equivalents at the network level to avoid the interstitial and provide better mappings.

Remove the NSFW popup on sociopathcommunity.com

Lets you generate QRCodes on the fly.

Track your Amazon logistics (TBA/AMZL) packages and eBay UPA tracking ID’s.
This add-on will assist you to sync TBA related work orders on our website which is www.beezyTrack.com and it helps the buyers to track their packages.

Mass editor for bookmarks.

Useful features for bank clients. Js injection and headers scraping.

Shortcuts that quickly take you to search results on other sites. Example: !a shoes will take you to https://amazon.com/s?k=shoes

B64Tool popups a box to do base64/url encoding and decoding

In the AWS console's top right region drop-down, each region you select will be "painted" a unique color scheme based on something tied to the country or US state.

Download ebooks from AWS Resource Hub without filling forms ⚡️

Go to resources in the AWS console from the Omnibox.

Change the Jira Tickets to links in the Github Pull Requests Title

Authenticator generates two-factor authentication codes in your browser, prefix support added.

make it easier to input a previous atlantis command multiple times

Convert links within Stack Exchange answers to archive.org links at the time the answer was posted.

Removes the annoying 'add x as app for y' notifications

Tool for SQL autocomplete and table/column lookup in Oracle APEX

Adiciona cor na Linha TR de mensagens com Estrela