

2609 apps in web-development

Copy JIRA ticket key

A button to copy JIRA ticket key to clipboard.

Cookie Pirate

Keep cookies from leaving your browser.

Contract Mate

Adds a quick access to editor to view contracts via etherscan.
source code:

Contentful Environment Guard

Warns you when entering an Contentful entry in the master environment

Container Buddy

Provides support for addons who want to support Containers features, but do not wish to annoy users not interested in such features. Workaround for bug 1386673. __WARNING__ see bug 1663547 caveat below (applies to all Containers support addons.)

Connection Triggered Tab Reload

Reloads current active tab when navigator status turns online again.


This is a leisure kind of an add-on which helps you to stay awake during classes and study sessions. It turns the background into the 7 colours of the rainbow keeping the user still on the webPage- hopefully more focussed.

Color Game

I took a tutorial on JavaScript and added a manifest.json file to the code to run it as an Add-on.


CodeX aims to be a lightweight browser extension that provides an easy and convenient way to search for plagiarism on GitHub.

Codeforces TestCase Dark Mode

This extension improves the highlighted testcases in codeforces in dark mode. People without dark mode extensions for codeforces are advised not to use this extension. This extension is exclusively made only for dark mode extension users.


A power packed productivity tool made with ❤️ by developers for developers.

CodeChefAddOn for Firefox

An AddOn to combine a custom template file and scraped problem statement from codechef website into a single submission file for easy coding.

codeanywhere more space

Additional space editor for codeanywhere editor

Code Self Study

A browser extension for Code Self Study (

Code Expert Keybinds

Runs Code Expert by pressing CTRL+S.

Extension needed in order to the web app to work correctly.


Click to add a <pre> tag inside the HTML <body>.

Clickable dependabot commands

Adds buttons for each dependabot command in the initial Pull Request description.


Classy is a code inspection enhancement that compiles a list of all classes used in a webpage, making it easy for designers to consolidate multiple style sheets and write new classes without fear of conflicting with existing classes.

CIDR Utils

A basic CIDR information viewer that shows information abount an IP address in CIDR notation and binary format.


Browser extension that allows users to see the certificate quality of websites.


Ask chat gpt directly from the extenstion


Block any website without the need for many permissions

CC dashboard

A browse extension extending capabilities of the Custom Command dashboard


rtl confluence for supporting persian texts

Can I Use

Search HTML, CSS, JS Supported browser

Buildkite New Build Helper

help you with branches and env vars when making a new buildkite branch

Browser Extension Explorer

Open source browser extension with dozens of interactive demos.

Browser ChooserX add-on

Browser ChooserX is a app that allows users to choose the browser to be used when clicking on links outside a browser.
With Browser ChooserX add-on you can open links from Firefox in Browser ChooserX.
Check Browser ChooserX

Browser Automaton

Run remote script to do browser automation