

3702 apps in appearance


NEXXT Tabs will replace your default browser tab with a modern looking and customizable one.

New Black Tab

Use a black page as your new tab page.

Naming Wrongs

Righting naming wrongs.


MuCatboy's Youtube Mix Delete

An extension that deletes Youtube-generated mixes from the Desktop interface automatically and upon scroll.


MH+ is an extension that improves the general look and feel of your Minehut dashboard, via several custom themes.


This extensions will protect you from distraction by 3 different ways.
1- blocking pictures on every websites. (simply web uglifier)
2- blocking text containing unwanted keywords.
3- blocking images and block unwanted website for one week.


`markdownQuantum` render all markdown documents in your browser with a customisable dark theme and unicode suport.
This plugin work with all markdown files (*.md) but you need a BOM encoding for local files (files://**.md).


Removes all Xs from Twitter


Shows playlists duration in instances.

Inbox Theme for Gmail

Brings the Google Inbox experience to Gmail

Huge Find Indicator

Displays a customizable arrow marker for each result when searching a webpage for text. Allows you to easily locate text on high resolution monitors or webpages with small fonts.

hide google meet

hides google meet from gmail page

Hacker News, Enhanced

Hacker News Enhanced. Like HNES, but before the restyling update

Grey Vision

Removes all views, likes, and subscription numbers from youtube for a cleaner experience without pre-judgements.

Inspired by CGP Grey & Brady Haran
Created by

Google Forms Toolbox

Enhance your Google Forms experience with added functionality: answer templates, the ability to reverse answer options

Glitch this

Glitch up webpages using CSS

GitLab: Sharp avatars

High-resolution project and user icons in GitLab

Generic Font Names Fixer

This add-on fixes the incorrect generic font-family name specifications on some sites. For instance, replace "sans-serif" with sans-serif. This is to correctly reflect the browser's default font settings.

Firewall Trump

The Firewall Trump extension delivers a beautiful Trump–Free Internet experience. If he’s building a wall, we’ll build a firewall.


Small enhancements for Codeforces. Adds a 'copy' button in sample test cases and 'All submissions' button on problem pages


Replaces Elon Musk's twitter header photo by the real time location of his jet.

EgyBest Enhancer

قم بتعزيز تجربتك في تصفح موقع عن طريق التخلص من الإعلانات وإضافة المزيد من الوظائف إلى الموقع.

eClass confetti

Display a shower of confetti when submitting assignments and quiz


Ebay opens a new tab on click. Very annoying. Disable it!

Drupal Devel Prettier

Add the linthing to /devel/php into drupal 8.x average mark

Adds a new cell into marks table at - "Average mark"

Data Masker Privacy Zorro - Your WebApp Obfuscator

Protects sensitive data in web pages and applications by masking text and images. Useful for demos in production systems with real data and for recording screencasts. You can set an URL to be matched and the CSS selectors of any kind of HTML element.

Copy Text Content

Copy text content of selected element

Container Colors

Change theme colour based on your container color