This add-on injects JavaScript into atlassian web pages to improve the experience.

Clear Youtube interface by hiding some of its components.

Make your Youtube interface cleaner.

Easily customize the appearance of any webpage with CHANGE, the ultimate tool for inverting colors, switching between Dark mode and Light mode, and adjusting brightness. With a single click, you can invert the colors of any webpage to suit your pref

Tries to save you from annoying clickbait or unwanted youtubers in your youtube-recommendations!

For all open & loaded tabs from Brighteon.com, this extension will set the title of tabs with video or channel pages to the name of the video or channel rather than simply being "Brighteon.com" so that you can navigate properly.

Toolbar button to maximize/restore current window that matches KDE Breeze theme.

Netflix UI/UX Improvements

Adds more customization options to YouTube subtitles.

Allows you to differentiate work from home days from regular days off.

This is Better ESEA by Michal Walko converted to Firefox.
Read original description from: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/better-esea-unofficial/gmgnecllnnedcjbdlijmklebjlifimmo

Color Atlassian Bamboo log files

Convert AWS CodeBuild control character escape sequences into proper color!
* 256 Color Support
* Backgound and foreground colors
* System Color Both Dark and Bright
* Italic, bold, underline

Changes the term "Artificial Intelligence" or "AI" to "Genie in a Bottle. Works also in Finnish. Credit of the idea goes to my friend Lauri. Source at https://github.com/mikkoim/genie

Arc Dark theme for Firefox. Based on https://github.com/horst3180/arc-firefox-theme

Substitute certain overhyped programming terms with more accurate replacements

مدیریت برنامه های روزانه

Аддон, убирающий ссылку Подкасты в заголовке а так же блок Подкастов на главной странице Яндекс.Музыки

Automatically removes Short videos from YouTube search results

Redirect all YouTube shorts to the normal video format.

Centers the youtube player, so it's not offset to the left

Hides music videos from Youtube Music.

Adds a Liked Videos link to the library section of the Youtube sidebar.
Integrates seamlessly with the existing sidebar links.

Hide time display and progress bar for YouTube videos matching by words in title

Applies all xkcd substitutions from comics #1288, #1265, and #1679
Image Icon is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.5 from xkcd.com

Customize x (twitter) - change favicon, title, logo and more.

Shows your KA on Wilma.

Makes Wikipedia full screen again.

Makes the new Wikipedia UI not limit the content width by default.

Make GitHub use your entire screen real-estate