

3702 apps in appearance

Web Monitor

this addon acts like a performance judge of web pages , a used goes to .
if website look a lot of load on browser , addon updates theme automatically to danger color and if that website is fast and light enough ,it updates theme to safe color(green)

Ufora Dark Mode

Dark Mode for Ufora

Twitter Media Only Toggle

Add a button on twitter home that shows media only tweets.

Twitch Reverse Channels

Show channels in reverse order for Twitch

Tugowar's Ashes of Creation Forum Mod

Ashes of Creation (AOC) is an upcoming MMORPG. This add-on makes the AOC forums more pleasing by making the page wider, adding nav bar, theming, toggle signatures, etc. See the add-on options after install! More:

TinyURL Simplified

A browser extension that shortens URL on the fly, with or without alias, by using the TinyURL service.

Tiermaker Layout Fixer

Fixes Tiermaker's garbage default layout

Textcase Converter

Enter your text and select the case you want to convert it to.

Super High School Level Browser Addon

Replaces all instances of "Ultimate" with "Super High School Level."
Inspired by Danganronpa game franchise and "Drumpfinator".


A browser extension that brings a new GitHub experience

Sticky Headers Begone

Remove fixed/sticky headers for supported sites.


Blocks static google iframe ads.

Simple New Tab

A Minimalistic and Elegant Space-Themed New Tab Page Meant to be Used in Conjunction with Nicothin's Dark Space theme.

RTL Facebook

تصلح بعض المشاكل في الظهور 'من اليمين إلى اليسار' في فيسبوك؛ كمربع الكتابة أثناء المحادثة، والمنشورات العربية التي تبدأ بحرف غير عربي كالإشارات والابتسالمات.

Roblox Dark Theme

Provides a dark theme for! As well as some other theme adjustments.

Refined Wikipedia

Enforces the mobile web version of Wikipedia and improves its interface.


Redesigns reddit! Replaces thumbnails and low-res previews with full-res images.


Allows you to change the colors used in any Web page with the colors you want.

Real estate investor toolkit

Extension helps real estate investors analyze deals on Czech MLS

Readable Marxists

A little extension that injects a stylesheet into pages on to make the articles hosted there a little bit easier to read.

Random Text Selector Colors

Randomly changes the highlighter color each time when selecting text

Quora Nightly

Night mode for Quora users

Quora Fixer

Removes link stories from quora.


A scratch space for notes, links, reminders, and whatever else you want to keep around.

Price Round

Rounds all prices up on eBay to get rid of psychological pricing.

Popup Tooltip

Popup tooltip when highlighting text on a page for search, maps etc..


Replaces the 'improved' Cal Poly logo with the old one on the portal.

Phone Number Beautifier

Formats (beautifies) phone numbers with dashes and parenthesis to make them easier to read.


Modify current page for printing.

Outlook Web App Folder Painter

Outlook Web App folder painter and icon replacer