Modern and simple tab replacement for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.

Quickly search & activate tabs from the keyboard alone.
Fuzzy match by default.

Sets order, line item, creative and report names as tab titles in Google Ad Manager (DFP)

An extension to close your tabs and uploads what pages they are on to the cloud.

Check your Epitech Planning from anywhere and be warned when there's an event coming in the next fifteen minutes!!

Customizable home page/new tab using html, css and Firefox Sync.

Lists SWFR Job information in a consistent, sortable and practicable way.

Warns you if the Web page is seemingly old

SupportXDR is a powerful browser extension designed to enhance your browsing experience and provide convenient access to support resources. This browser extension searches visited websites for Support, Chat, and Knowledgebase keywords.

Take the notes whenever you want by and store it in the local_storage.

Set a maximum page width if the website has no CSS.

When reviewing merge checks on GitHub, if the list is long, you can end up with an annoyance: The failed, skipped, or stopped checks are not sorted to the top of the list, so you have to hunt for them manually.
This simply puts them at the top.

Replace images of Trump with cute geese

"Fixed" the reviews in The Number Ones columns in stereogum.com by moving the song rating from the top to the bottom where it belongs. As of November 20, 2020, Stereogum is now displaying the rating at the bottom, and is no longer needed.

No more cross! Display checkmark when 'Autoplay videos' is checked on Steam Store pages.

Starty replaces your boring old start page with a fresh new one.

Paints over user avatars, changes usernames to generic user ids, and changes color themes on Stack Overflow. To change theme colors, go to settings in url about:addons.

Remove sidebar on Stack Overflow

Removes rounded corners from images on Facebook.

Hides "sponsored" and "Reels" from facebook feed.
English Facebook only !!!

Shows help for the words you're missing in today's NYT (New York Times) spelling bee. Integrates the day's hints directly into the spelling bee site, showing hints for the words you are missing.

A smooth, simple and colorful tab page.

Simple New Tab for SpaceX Fans (with animation speed control)

Hides soundcloud stats.

Removes other states whose name starts with "M" from most dropdown menus with the exception of Minnesota. Allowing you to press "M" in your keyboard and go directly to it.

Replaces new tab page with a personal dashboard with a refreshing background , real time clock and weather details among various features

The add-on is a simple game that uses p5.js library to let the user play classic snake game over a webpage.

Smart Selection Search is a free extension for quickly manipulating selected text on the browser.

Makes twitch chat commands smaller and take up less space. Also can make bot messages smaller

Improves slt balance dashboard