When a current tab is closed, the left tab (or the right tab on RTL environments) will be activated.
This add-on is intended for Italian users.
Visualizza la fattura elettronica non associata ad un foglio di stile con il foglio di stile di AssoSoftware. L'utente, accedendo alla pagina delle opzioni, può modificare il foglio di stile da usare.
Adds keyboard shortcuts for closing all not active tabs, all to the left of the active one, all to the right
Extracts all links from web page, sorts them, removes duplicates, and displays them at the bottom of the page for inspection or copy and paste into other applications.
Adds an "Open in Container Tab" menu item to bookmark menus to open bookmarks in a container tab.
A very simple add-on that opens the English Google Translate for the current page
Set the character encoding of download filenames.
Displays an icon in the tooltip or next to the cursor indicating the target of a link.
Slideshow at tabs.
Inspect State of the Angular components easily
This add-on can automate click actions that users might have to perform when visiting a website. For example accept or reject cookie consent messages.
Highlights given keywords on any web page you visit.
A one-click tool to generate a tiny URL (tinyurl.com or is.gd) from your current URL and automatically copy it to the clipboard.
Abadis Online Dictionary And Translator
This addon is full dictionary and translator for persian user that translate word and sentences.
Dictionary and translator from:
- All language to persian
- persian to All language
Gezinti esnasında çeviri imkanı sunar.
Açılır pencereyi kapatmak için dışına tıklamanız yeterlidir. Dilerseniz ESC tuşunu da kullanabilirsiniz.
Not: "Tureng Anlık Çeviri" adlı Chrome eklentisinden portlanmıştır. Asıl geliştirici "Yalçın CEYLAN"dır.
Create and edit DOC, XLS and PPT files with an Office Suite online
A simple free utility for your browser that helps you decide how much to spend on your next transaction.
Detect which CMS a site is using with the help of WhatCMS.org
Simulates information a color blind person receives and/or adds a daltonization filter.
This addon can be used for testing a website accessibility for the color blind and / or to educate (yourself) on the topic of color blindness.
Mturk Suite is a an extension that brings together a large collection of useful tools to assist workers.
Tired of not knowing if you wrote well your password? Tired to re-write all the password? Yes, me too...
This add-on requires Tree Style Tab. It extends Tree Style Tab to allow tab changing by mouse wheel scrolling and reloading a tab when double clicking it.
This extension will fulfill a 21:9 screen when watching 21:9 content (Normally movies).
Just click the icon while watching a movie on Netflix and then go fullscreen!
This project is Open Source: https://gitlab.com/alosarjos/ultrawide-netflix
Tweak style rules in a page to improve printability. Save as PDF for Windows and Linux.
Connects to a uTorrent client to queue torrents from page links.
Popup Youtube/Twitch video to standalone window.
A simple and secure in-browser wallet built for Web 3.
Easily store, send and receive funds on blockchain.
Disable Youtube's annotations.
Copy/Paste all fields from a web form (with hotkey or contextual menus)
Button to refresh the current page without using the cache.