

Multiple Search and Highlight

A powerful text highlighter that is written in JavaScript and intends for every use case, such as sub-query matching with multiple highlighters.
This extension can be used to dynamically mark search terms with optional custom regular expressions support and offers you built-in options like diacritics support or separate word search. The interface is similar to the default browser's find interface. You can press the Enter key to select the next occurrence, or press the Shift + Enter combination for backward matching. This extension works offline and has no server-side interaction whatsoever to protect user privacy. Also, it only gets activated once the user opens the popup. There is no resource usage when the extension is not being used. To enhance the searching capability of the extension, sub-queries are only being applied to the page once.

1. Supports multiple highlighters
2. Supports three different splitter characters
3. Do not use any resources while inactive
4. Supports automatic query search per URL
5. Supports regular expressions
6. Supports text formatting (underline and bold)
7. Annotates the page with different colors
