

Package Track Online and Search

Conveniently track all your packages in one place. With end-to-end tracking, get live updates on any package's shipping status and estimated delivery date. Want to know when your online shopping order will arrive? Just enter your tracking number and get detailed results instantly! You can track packages across 1000+ carriers and easily access additional shipping resources via quick links to official carrier websites.

How it works:

To track a package:
1.Click Package Track Online and Search on your browser toolbar to open a new tab
2.Enter the tracking number on the package tracker widget
3.Select a carrier or let the extension auto-detect it, and click ‘Track Package’ to view the status of your package
4.Click on ‘Official Website’ to access carrier-specific services
5.Click the share icon to share package status via Whatsapp, email, or by copying the link

To use web search:
Search as normal from any web search box. Search for videos, images, archives, news articles, audio files and more with Yahoo as the default search engine.

Want to share feedback? Please fill out this form and help us improve the product for you:

You can uninstall this product at any time. Please follow the instructions here:

By clicking the button above, I consent to install this extension and abide by its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

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Companies, product and service names, brands, logos or images mentioned here are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Use of them here does not imply any endorsement by or affiliation with their respective holders.

Package Track Online and Search is a product offered by Atom Apps LLC. Here is a summary of the user data that our add-on collects and how we process it:

IP address:
Your IP address is collected when you use this add-on, but we ensure that it is anonymized and not linked to your identity. This information is used solely for analytics, reporting purposes, and to provide the functionalities of the add-on. You have the option to opt-out of sharing this information with us, but please note that it may limit your access to certain features.

Technical data:
The add-on collects technical information, such as domain name and user agent, to aid in product upgrades and assist in fraud detection. This data is not personally identifiable and is utilized for optimization purposes. It cannot be used to identify individual users.

Information explicitly shared by users:
When using this add-on, we collect and process the files and inputs provided by you to generate relevant results. Additionally, if you choose to provide us with information such as your name, telephone number, or email address through feedback forms, crash reports, enhancement suggestions, or other forms of communication, we may collect and process that information. This data is solely used to address user queries, concerns, and will not be shared with any third parties.

Please review our full Privacy Policy for more detailed information on how we handle and safeguard your data.

Privacy Policy:
Terms of Service:
