

Chat AI & Custom Web Search

Configure your browser with a ChatGPT-powered chatbot and custom web search by installing the Chat AI & Custom Web Search extension.

Quick, helpful results:
Get assistance with writing emails, translating text, creating travel itineraries and grocery lists, and improve efficiency. Chat AI & Custom Web Search can also help you build a workout routine, create social media captions, or make a playlist based on your music interests.

Custom search:
Get a new browsing experience powered by Yahoo!® search. Get the latest news, shop online, and find answers to all your queries. Try it today!

How to use the extension:
Click Chat AI & Custom Web Search icon on the browser toolbar to open a new tab
Enter a message or query into the chatbot widget to start chatting
Type a query into the search bar to get relevant results from Yahoo!® search

We welcome your ideas and suggestions to improve this extension. Please note that you can uninstall the extension if you are dissatisfied with the product.

Upon clicking the button above, you confirm that you have read & agree to the Terms of Service & Privacy Policy and consent to install this extension.

Yahoo is a registered trademark of Apollo Global Management, Inc.

Chat AI & Custom Web Search is a product offered by Innover Group. We provide users with ease of access to information and widgets from their browser. Our Privacy Policy is important for us to continue providing the users with the best possible all-round experience.

This Product is built on gpt-3.5-turbo and is not ChatGPT. It is not associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by OpenAI Inc.

Here’s a summary of user data that our add-on collects and how we use this information:

1. IP address:
We collect your IP address when you use the flight information related tool offered by our extension. We anonymise your IP address and do not trace it back to you. We only use this information for analytics and reporting purposes . You can opt-out of sharing the above information with us, however, you will only be able to access limited features.

2 Technical data:
Technical information (such as domain name and user agent )is also collected by the add-on to plan product upgrades and help with fraud detection.. This data is not personally identifiable and is used for optimization purposes and cannot be used to identify users.

3. Information you explicitly share with us:
We collect and process flight-related information that you provide while using the tools available on our extension to return relevant results. We may also collect information that you may choose to provide us (such as your name, telephone number and/or email address) if submitted by you as part of a feedback form, crash report, enhancement suggestion or other communication from you to us. This information is only used to respond to user queries or concerns and will not be shared with any third party.

Privacy Policy:
Terms of Service:
