

1016 apps in bookmarks

Scrapyard Bookmarks

Scrapyard is a page-archiving bookmark manager suitable for heavy scrapbooking. With its friendly user experience and simple configuration
it may be an excellent replacement for the legacy ScrapBook and even for the built-in bookmark manager.

Bulk URL Opener

Opens multiple URLs in one click

QOwnNotes Web Companion

This is a companion extension for QOwnNotes for managing your browser bookmarks in markdown files, saving webpages or taking screenshots.

BattleShip Game

A classic paper game on your computer. Destroy all enemy ships!

Save Open Tabs

An extension to save all your open tabs.

BookmarkHub - sync bookmarks

BookmarkHub,sync bookmarks across different browsers

Multi word searcher

Extension that allows for searching strings in texts through multiple words with an ability to decide a tolerable amount of character between them. In addition, it allows for multiple searches to be highlighted on the same page at the same time.


Sidebar for Firefox

Bookmark Dial

Replaces the default New Tab page and displays the contents of a bookmark folder including a thumbnail every time you open a new tab. The homepage is also replaced unless you choose not to. Check out the screenshots

Bookmark Toolbar Shortcuts

Use Alt+1, Alt+2, ... , Alt+9 for bookmarks in the toolbar


The archiving companion. Archive webpages on,, or to make online backups of the pages you love, preventing dead links. Archiveror automatically archives your bookmarks.

Bookmarklets context menu

Add a context menu item contains only bookmarklets from bookmarks.

With this extension, bookmarklets can make cross-origin requests, write to the clipboard, communicate with addons, etc.

NEVER use untrusted bookmarklet!

Open Google Contacts with toolbar button

This Firefox addon adds a Google Contacts button to the top toolbar. This Google Contacts button opens Google Contacts in new tab.

Full Screen NO Title/URL Bar

Full Screen content without Title Bar / URL Bar / Tabs


Easy access on ArXiv! Rename the title to the paper's title. Add a button to navigate easily. Download PDF with meaningful filename.


Extremely lightweight unofficial addon for pinning things to Pinterest.

It's not injecting any javascript to the pages you browse and activates only when you press extension button on the panel.


Save scroll positions for tabs, as well as the tabs themselves. Designed for quick bookmarking and keeping track of where you were on long pages.

Winger - A Window Manager

Fluidly operate multiple windows with ease, making them a truly viable way to organize lots of tabs.

2048 Games

It is a simple game.
2048 has always been a favorite among people. With this add-on, it's more easier to access and beautiful to look at. Now when you have some time to spare between your work, you can play it in just one click and that's no

Save for later

Saves all tabs in the current window for later use. The saved windows can be re-opened anytime later. Multiple windows can be saved concurrently and be opened later independently in separate windows.

Browse Later

Browse tabs later.
1. Click the bookmark icon in the right of address bar to save current tab.
2. Repeat first step to some tabs you want browse it later.
3. Click the bookmark icon on the toolbar restore your saved tabs.

Quick Bookmark To Folder

Lets you quickly find a bookmark folder and save a bookmark inside


Saving form data to bookmarklets

YOURLS shortener

Shorten URLs with your own YOURLS instance

Sidebar for Googleâ„¢ Search

Easy Access to Google search via Sidebar UI

Tab Control

A very simplistic add-on to position new tabs to the right of the current tab and activate the tab to the left when closing the current tab.

Bookmark Shortcuts

Adds shortcuts to Bookmark Toolbar


Most efficient way to take & share time-stamped notes while watching videos!

BibSonomy Buttons

Three useful BibSonomy buttons: myBibSonomy as well as post bookmark and post publication.


Bookmark Youtube videos, saving the current position. Resume playback later.