Snooze Tabs help you focus your attention online, whether you want to remove distractions for now or save something for later. Hit the snooze icon to dismiss tabs you don’t want now, and set an alarm to bring them back when you need them.

Tusk adds KeePass functionality to your browser. It does not require a KeePass desktop application to be installed on your PC.
Tusk can access KeePass files stored in Dropbox, Google Drive, Onedrive, PCloud, OwnCloud, and NextCloud.

Construct custom Web Socket requests and handle responses to directly test your Web Socket services.

Convert Web Novels (and other web pages) into an EPUB for offline reading. Works with many sites, including:
1. ArchiveOfOurOwn.org
2. FanFiction.net.
3. royalroadl.com

Iwara.tv videos are downloaded with Source quality, and authors name and title are automatically added to the file name.

Manage and toggle CSS on a page behind a @supports Feature Query.

Adds a context menu to save media {image, video, audio, link, selection, page} in user-defined directories relative to the default download location. Save into dynamically named directories. Rules-based download renaming and routing.

Because good website security shouldn't only be available to mad scientists! Laboratory is a WebExtension that helps you generate a Content Security Policy (CSP) header for your website.

Renames the Tab Title (Persistent across the sessions).
Renaming to add custom words in tab titles makes it easy to search for tabs in the address bar.

Your smart thesaurus to sophisticatedly restructure and reword sentences.

MagicCast allows you to play videos on your TV from websites, including movies, TV shows, news broadcasts, sports broadcasts and IPTV.

Popupblocker can block every popup. Many websites open new windows with ads, when you try to mark text or click something. This add-on will block these and show a really small notification.

Outlines nofollow links, detect nofollow and noindex meta tags on webpages. Features website filtering and custom CSS outline styles

This extension predicts rating changes for Codeforces. It shows approximate deltas during and after the contest.

Automatically open websites in a dedicated container. Simply add rules to map domain or subdomain to your container.

Display daily Muslim prayer times.

Live preview of CSS/Less/Sass code changes. Auto-save file, autocomplete, convert Less/Sass to CSS, beautify, minify, CSS reloader, linter, ...

Provides bullet chatting (danmaku) on YouTube Live, like niconico or bilibili.

Twitter Demetricator hides all the metrics on Twitter. Follower, like, and retweet counts all disappear. The result lets you try out Twitter without the numbers, to see what happens when you can no longer judge yourself or others in metric terms.

Get Stuff Instantly -- Download and play it anywhere :-)
This extension allows you to add Links to the Seedr service directly,
so you can Download, Play and access them anywhere.
* An https://www.seedr.cc account is required

Copy document URL / link URL to clipboard as HTML, Markdown, BBCode, Textile, AsciiDoc, MediaWiki, Jira, reStructuredText, LaTeX, Text.

List the URLs of all tabs from the current window as copyable plaintext. Also this extension can load a plaintext list of urls to individual tabs.

Lorem Ipsum filler text for web developers. Uses Loripsum, Bacon Ipsum and Dino Ipsum APIs to retrieve customized text. Insert into fields using context menu. Source code is available on Github.

Automatically like YouTube videos from your favorite content creators.

Super Lightweight User Script and Style Manager

Allows to switch the current tab to a different container.

The CRM Power Pane is a helper tool designed to integrate with Microsoft Dynamics CRM application and allow you to manipulate forms.

enables visited link colors on almost every website for easier browsing

Set the character encoding of download filenames.

Analyzes any web page for violations of best practices.